วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 25 Apr 2023
วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 25 Apr 2023
On 20 -23 March 2023, H.E. Ms. Arjaree Sriratanaban, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Commonwealth of Australia, visited Tasmania. The visit consisted of the official visit, the 70th Anniversary of Thailand – Australia Diplomatic Relations reception and meetings with Thai community in Hobart.
Official Visit to Tasmania
During the official visit to Tasmania on 21 -23 March 2023, Ambassador Arjaree met high-level representatives of public and academic sectors in Tasmania, including The Hon Jeremy Rockliff MP, Premier of Tasmania; The Hon Justice Alan Blow AO, Chief Justice of Tasmania; The Hon Craig Farrell, President of the Legislative Council; The Hon Mark Shelton MP, Speaker of the House of Assembly, and The Rt Hon Councillor Anna Reynolds, Lord Mayor of Hobart; Ms. Michelle O’Bryne, Representative of Opposition Leader in Tasmania Parliament, as well as executives and representatives from Department of State Growth, Government Education Training International, Brand Tasmania and University of Tasmania.
H.E. the Honourable Barbara Baker AC, Governor of Tasmania and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers AO also hosted the dinner in honour of the Ambassador at the Government House.
During the official visit, Ambassador Arjaree also met with a number of companies in Tasmania such as Huon Aquaculture, Tassal and Dutch Mill in the agriculture sector and GeoNeon in the digital technology sector.
Reception commemorating of 70th Anniversary of Thailand–Australia Diplomatic Relations
On 23 March 2023, H.E. the Honourable Barbara Baker AC, Governor of Tasmania, hosted the reception Morning Tea to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Thailand-Australia Diplomatic Relations at the Government House. The event was attended by Ambassador Arjaree, representatives of public and private sectors as well as Thai people in Tasmania.
Meetings with Thai people and students in Tasmania
Prior to the official visit, on 20 March 2023, Ambassador Arjaree visited Sanggharangsee Temple to pay respect to the Thai monks and met with members of the Thai community in Hobart. She also met with Thai Government scholarship students who are pursuing post-graduate studies in geology, biological science and Antartic studies at the University of Tasmania.
จันทร์-ศุกร์ 8:30 - 16:30 น. (ยกเว้นวันหยุดนักขัตฤกษ์)